About Us 關於我們

About us

 人們做瑜伽是為了尋找內心的平靜。是的,我們深信如此。我們希望我們的會員邀請他們的摯愛一起練習瑜伽,分享它帶來的平靜與喜悅。這就是我們名字“Beloved”的由來。在我們的中心,我們還提供Pilates reformer普拉提核心床課程,將普拉提Pilates的原則與使用核心床(reformer)的額外益處結合起來。這種設備通過提供阻力和支持來增強您的鍛煉,讓練習更深入、更有效。無論您是希望提高靈活性、增強核心力量,還是尋找片刻的寧靜,我們的瑜伽和普拉提課程都旨在支持您朝向整體健康的旅程。加入我們的瑜伽與普拉提中心,與您的摯愛一起體驗心靈運動的轉化力量。

Our Classes

People do Yoga to find their inner peace. Yes, we believe so. Our mission is to inspire our Yogis to invite their beloved ones to practice Yoga together, sharing the peace and joy it brings. This is the story behind our name, Beloved. At our center, we also offer Pilates Reformer classes, which combine the principles of Pilates with the added benefits of using a reformer machine. This equipment enhances your workout by providing resistance and support, allowing for a deeper and more effective practice. Whether you are looking to improve your flexibility, strengthen your core, or find a moment of tranquility, our Yoga and Pilates classes are designed to support your journey towards holistic wellness. Join us at Beloved Yoga and Pilates to experience the transformative power of mindful movement, together with your loved ones.
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